
How to Prolong the Service Life of Your Fuel Transfer Tank?

08 August 2022

Most trucks and service vehicles carry an extra amount of fuel so they can remain operational throughout their trips. And to ensure that they can store them safely, they would often utilise a durable fuel transfer tank.

Fuel transfer tanks are normally fabricated by companies that can process aluminium, stainless steel, and other reliable metals out there. Through quality fuel transfer tanks, owners and operators of these vehicles can ensure that they will not be experiencing any costly downtime. These tanks can likewise help prolong the service life of their engines, especially if they are cleaned and maintained regularly.

If you currently utilise a fuel transfer tank for your truck or vehicle, you can easily prolong its service life by doing the following things.

Remove Dirty Elements

One of the things that you should do to prolong the service life of your fuel transfer tank is to clean it thoroughly. The effectiveness of your fuel transfer tank can significantly deteriorate if it continuously allows contaminants and debris to accumulate on its external and internal surfaces. Your fuel transfer tank may also lose its effectiveness if it will let water minerals and live fungal cultures build up.

To remove these elements from your tank, you must steam clean it. You can likewise fill the tank with a soap-water solution to eradicate any dirty particles attached to its interiors and exteriors. A diesel fuel biocide, alternatively, can be used to clean your dirty tank as it can prevent any growth of bacteria and microbes in your fuel.

Prevent Water Exposure

Since you will be using this tank as a storage option for your fuel, you do not have to place this near water. Water, after all, can easily contaminate and degrade the surfaces and components of a fuel transfer tank. It can likewise affect the quality of your fuel.

There are multiple ways to prevent your fuel and the fuel tank from being damaged by water. One way is to keep the tank temperature stable. Ensuring that its temperature will be at optimal levels can help prevent condensation from developing inside the tank. The exposure of fuel to water can likewise deteriorate if the fuel often passes through water separators. Ultimately, any water that may be accumulating at the bottom of your tank should be removed.

Get Rid of Rust Build-up

One more thing you must do to prolong the service life of your fuel transfer tank is to get rid of rust build-up. Most fuel transfer tanks are made from metals. Since metals can be vulnerable to rust, you must do everything just to keep the tanks safe from rust-related damages.

If your fuel transfer tank is currently filled with a low level of rust elements, you must fill it with acetone and a few cups of minute rocks. Using these elements can help remove the rust from the tank surface. Once some rust elements have been removed, you must clean the tank with a soap-water solution and let it dry after.

Here at Canfred Engineering, we are your leader in aluminium fabrication in Melbourne and fuel transfer tank maintenance, you can call us at 03 9761 0595.

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